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Our VIsion

We change the fashion industry - not with criticism, but by setting a good example. Doing no harm is not good enough for us: Our vision is to make the kind of fashion attractive, which is good for people and the environment.

That is why we founded the CIRCULAR SWEATER PROJECT as a lighthouse project, as a model that many will follow. Our philosophy is: Lifecycles instead of a throwaway society. And our way: Waste less, repair more and do it again. We not only produce clothing for private customers, labels, retailers and companies, we also take them back after use and upcycle them.

Our name contains our three step program.

Our philosophy, our business model and our products are fully CIRCULAR. The clothes we make are manufactured, sewn and printed on naturally, without toxins and microplastic, compostable in a few weeks. And they are sold with a repair and upcycling option.

With a single color, unbleached SWEATER as a pioneer, we start our work, develop solutions, build an infrastructure. Plant-based colors, more models and other products are on the way. We are rethinking everyday life.

We see ourselves as a PROJECT: The focus of our solutions is not to maximize profit, but to contribute to a collective work towards a better future. Together with many others, we therefore navigate off the beaten path, which means that we continuously have to observe and redefine our location, our course, our success and our challenges. Part of our vision is that it is constantly changing.


The goal and the path to it can be put into words, but they are not set in stone.


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